Welcome, please take a few minutes to tell us about yourself.
Include your e-mail address if you would like to join the GMR Internet
Panel. Members of the panel will be invited by e-mail to partcipate in
surveys and contests about films, television shows, or other Entertainment
related research. We greatly appreciate your participation in our online surveys,
and sharing your opinions with us. THANKS!
The GMR Panel is a small, specialized Internet Panel composed of people who have
registered with us, or joined the panel by completing one of our online surveys.
Nearly all of the surveys are about movies or television, and are accessed from
links we send by email invitation to our panelists. If a survey is commissioned
by a client, we offer cash or merchandise prizes to survey respondents. This is
usually on the order of 10 to 20 prizes of $25 each. Surveys for company research
and development purposes, or to supply information to our panelists, generally
don't include prizes. The email invitation always tells whether prizes will be
awarded or not. We do not pay respondents to complete our surveys.
The GMR Panel has not and will not sell, trade, give
or share any of the Panelists personal information,
including email addresses. Please send e-mail
copyright Grace Market Research, Inc. 1996-2020. All rights reserved.