Coyote Sighting Survey

This survey is an attempt to gather anecdotal evidence about Coyote sightings in the hillside communities adjacent to Griffith Park. If you have seen any coyotes in your neighborhood, please complete the following brief survey. Even if you don't live adjacent to Griffith Park, and have had a Coyote sighting in your neighborhood, we invite you to also take the survey. If you have had MULTIPLE Coyote sightings, please complete a separate survey for each one.

If you complete the survey, and provide us with your email address, we will send survey results to you when they are computer tabulated. Thanks for your help!!

To see all Coyote reports filed on this website from 2003, through September 30, 2016 click here

To see the addendum of 53 reports submitted on July 8, 2016 by Oaks resident Mark Steinberg from October, 2014 through July, 2015 click here


*01. Please enter the (approximate) date of your Coyote sighting.
Enter the date in the format: mm-dd-yy

*02. Where did your Coyote sighting occur? Please provide an address, or street intersection so we can map each sighting.
(Go to Q. 03 now.)

*04. Please describe in detail your Coyote sighting. Please include the time of the sighting.
(Go to Q. 05 now.)

It has been suggested that renovating the sprinkler systems in Griffith Park will help maintain the natural ecology and wildlife populations of the park; and help keep Coyotes out of neighborhoods adjacent to Griffith Park..

(Go to Q. 06 now.)

Please provide the following information so we can tabulate answers by various categories. Thanks for your help and cooperation.

*09. What kinds of pets do you have at home?
(Check all that apply.)
Large dog(s) Small dog(s)
Cat(s) Other kinds of pets
Don't have pets at home

If you would like to receive results of these surveys, please provide the following:
First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address: